oil eating bacteria for sale - Custom HC

Bacteria Grease Trap Treatment – Custom GT

Bacteria Grease Trap Product – Custom GT

Custom GT is our bacteria grease trap treatment product. The bacteria in Custom GT have been specifically selected because of their enhanced

grease trap bacteria

Custom -GT Concentrate Grease Trap Bacteria

ability to metabolize the fats, oils, and grease (FOG) that are found in restaurant grease traps.

All restaurants have have issues with Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG), grease traps, and grease trap odors. Typically restaurant owners will pump the grease trap, an expensive, smelly, and messy procedure. In fact, grease trap pumping is becoming more and more expensive and pumping of the grease trap only moves the problem from one place to another.

Other restaurants will use chemicals and enzymes. These products simply move the problem down the sewer line. That’s why they are not allowed in some municipalities.

Custom GT is a grease trap bacteria product. Regular use of Custom GT will greatly reduce the need for grease trap pumping. Here’s a case study of the use of Custom GT in a grease trap in Houston, TX.

Custom GT comes in two formulations; GT Tabs and GT Concentrate. GT-Tabs are a ready-to-use product, slow release tablet. GT Concentrate is a concentrated form of Custom GT and it’s specifically designed for distributors. By shipping only concentrated bacteria Custom GT has a couple of distinct advantage over competitive products.

Advantages of Custom GT – Bacteria Grease Trap Treatment

  • Greatly reduced shipping costs.
  • Allows customized product formulation.
  • Enhances private labeling.
  • Reduces inventory requirements.
The shipping cost reduction is particularly important. Each Custom GT concentrate bottle dilutes to a 55 gallon drum. Why ship all of that water?? This creates a great cost savings for both domestic and international distributors.
For more information about Custom GT concentrate, our other concentrated biological products, or distributor opportunities, contact Custom Biologicals.
Custom Biologicals manufactures a wide variety of biological products for use in environmental applications.
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