Customized Wastewater Treatment
Custom Biologicals produces a variety of bacterial wastewater treatment products designed to enhance the biological treatment of domestic, food processing and industrial effluents.
Wastewater Treatment Products of CustomBio
Our biological products are made through proprietary biotechnology. Custom’s products use only naturally occurring, nonpathogenic bacteria, scientifically selected because of their enhanced abilities to produce enzymes and degrade organic wastes.
CustomBio’s waste water treatment products are available in a variety of formats including Technical Concentrates, Slow Release Tablets, and Ready to Use Liquid Formulations.
Wastewater Problem
For years, Wastewater Treatment Plants have relied on indigenous, or natural, microbes to degrade organic wastes. Unfortunately, increased waste volume and greater waste complexity, such as grease, oil, pesticides, and other chemicals, have left many plants unable to meet today’s tougher standards on effluent quality.
The Solution – Customized Wastewater Treatment
Bioaugmentation, the process of adding select biological agents to a waste stream is the solution to many wastewater problems. This approach can be much more efficient and cost effective than simply allowing the native bacteria to take care of the problem.
Key Benefits of Biological Treatment of Wastewater
- Reduction of BOD, COD, TSS
- Grease and Sludge Reduction
- Odor Control
- Reduced Chemical and Electricity Needs
- Degrades Oil and other Hydrocarbons, reduces TPH
- Helps Prevent Bulking Issues
- Surcharges and Fines Reduced or Eliminated
- Digests Pesticides, Herbicides, and Fungicides
Typical Applications
- Waste water Treatment Plants
- Domestic and Industrial Wastewater
- Food Processing Facilities
- Aerobic, Anaerobic, or Facultative Lagoons
- Lift Stations and Sewer Line Maintenance
- Rivers Lakes and Ponds
- System Start Up or Recovery
Discover how custom industrial wastewater treatment can work for you.
Custom Biologicals
Custom Biologicals manufactures and distributes a wide range of biological products for wastewater, agriculture, bioremediation, septic tanks and more. We’re always looking for new distributors both domestic and international. Our products include liquid concentrates, innovative fizzytabs, and dry biological products. Contact Custom at (561) 797-3008 or via email at