How to Identify and Prevent Phosphorus Deficiency in Corn

How to Identify and Prevent Phosphorus Deficiency in Corn

Phosphorus deficiency in corn is a serious matter. Here’s some information about how to prevent phosphorus deficiency in corn.

What is Phosphorus and Why do Plants Need it.

Phosphorus (P) is one of the essential macronutrients for corn growth and development. It plays a key role in energy transfer, photosynthesis, root growth, seed formation, and stress tolerance. Adequate P supply is especially important during the early stages of corn growth, when the root system is not fully developed and the demand for P is high.

However, P deficiency can occur in corn due to various factors, such as low soil P levels, high soil pH, cool and wet soil conditions, compaction, erosion, or excessive application of other nutrients that can reduce P availability. Phosphorus deficiency can reduce corn yield and quality by limiting plant growth, delaying maturity, increasing susceptibility to diseases and pests, and affecting grain filling.

Additionally, certain bacteria like Paenibacillus polymxa can solubilize phosphorus. This makes the P available to the plant.

Therefore, it is important to identify and prevent P deficiency in corn as early as possible.

Tips to identify P deficiency early.

– Scout your fields regularly for signs of P deficiency. The first sign of P shortage is an overall stunted plant. Leaf shapes may be distorted, and tissue may be dark green in color. Some plants, such as corn, may display a purple or reddish color on the lower leaves and stems. This is due to the accumulation of anthocyanin pigments that are normally masked by chlorophyll. With severe deficiency, dead areas may develop on leaves, fruit, and stems. Older leaves are affected before younger ones because of the redistribution of P in the plant.

– Use soil testing or tissue testing to confirm P deficiency. Soil testing can measure the available P in the soil and provide recommendations for fertilizer application. Tissue testing can measure the actual P concentration in the plant and indicate whether it is sufficient or deficient. The critical level of P in corn tissue at the six-leaf stage is 0.25% to 0.30%. Below this level, P deficiency may occur.

– Apply P fertilizer according to soil test results and crop needs. The amount and timing of P fertilizer depend on several factors, such as soil type, crop rotation, yield goal, and environmental conditions. Generally, corn requires about 0.4 lb of P2O5 per bushel of grain yield. A starter fertilizer application at planting can provide a quick boost of P for early growth, especially in cold soils. A sidedress or foliar application later in the season can supplement P uptake during critical growth stages, such as tasseling and silking.

– Use appropriate sources and methods of P fertilizer. There are various sources of P fertilizer available, such as diammonium phosphate (DAP), monoammonium phosphate (MAP), triple superphosphate (TSP), or liquid ammonium polyphosphate (APP). The choice of source depends on the cost, availability, compatibility, and efficiency of each product. The method of application can also affect P availability and uptake. For example, banding or injecting P fertilizer near the seed row can increase P concentration in the root zone and reduce fixation by soil minerals or organic matter. Broadcasting or incorporating P fertilizer can increase soil P levels and benefit subsequent crops.

– Manage other agronomic practices that can affect P availability and uptake. For example, maintaining optimal soil pH (6.0 to 6.5) can enhance P solubility and mobility in the soil. Reducing tillage or using cover crops can prevent soil erosion and loss of organic matter that contain P. Avoiding compaction or improving drainage can improve root growth and access to soil P. Balancing other nutrients, such as nitrogen (N), potassium (K), sulfur (S), or zinc (Zn), can prevent antagonism or synergism with P uptake.

How to Identify and Prevent Phosphorus Deficiency in Corn

Phosphorus deficiency in corn can have negative impacts on yield and quality if not corrected timely. By scouting for symptoms, testing soil or tissue samples, applying appropriate fertilizers, and managing other agronomic factors, you can ensure adequate P supply for your corn crop and optimize its performance.


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